Monday, October 29, 2012


I just realize why, non-fiction books contained unnecessary content:

If you are an author and you have an idea and you want to speared it in the world.
And you think let say 40 pages is the most appropriate way to describe this idea.

You have no good way to publish 40 pages!

For a book its too short!
For a blog its way too long!

What would you do? push unnecessary content.

So when you read remember:
Not all text were bron equal, and you have limited time in this world so just... Skip!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

New habits

The problem:
We bump into interesting ideas (books, friends, random lectures etc.)
We think we gonna do something about that, adopt some behavior, but too often we don't.
One useful habit I gain is
gaining new useful habits! systematically!

I simply keep a list of new habits - which I update almost daily,
and those habits I'm actively trying to gain.
Some example from my current list:
    • Keep track of time.
      • Have a watch on your hand, or clock on the computer, and for each action track the starting time. and end time.
    • Define what you want to work on:
      • Ask yourself, if I could only do 2 things today, what will they be? (taken from 4-hours work week)
Hope this post will help gain new useful habit :)

6 Tools For English Reading.

Here are the 6, with a brief overviews:
  1. Kindle. - If you still think physical books are better you just haven't made the change yet, they are not. Why you should make the shift:
    • Larger books collection. one click available. (you can get a sample for free.)
    • Highlight text and bookmarks. - so you could go back and review main points.
    • Built in dictionary. - get definition in a second.
    • Great for traveling if you gonna read more then one book.
  1. Google translate. 
  2. Chrome. - Because of the built-in spelling correction.
  3. Google definition search. - (e.g you wanna know the definition of balloon, search balloon definition).
  4. Google dictionary plugin. - double click see the definition. 
  5. Push to Kindle plugin. - Its harder to read long text on computer monitor, just send it to your Kindle.

The Mustache Rule

You don't like something about your life? probably. then try to keep in mind the mustache rule.
The Mustache Rule: 
Any girl,  no matter how pretty or beautiful she is, when you look closely enough, you'll see a little mustache.

What that have to do with anything?

Its just a nice metaphor that should help us consider the fact that we actually live our life with its ups and downs, we actually work daily, and see the sometimes boring details, and mundane work that we have to deal with.

Comparing your life to others is tricky, you probably won't hear and definitely won't actually feel their mustaches, so it is never an easy comparison, and probably everyone got some mustache in that size or another.

* Having said that Bar Rephaeli doesn't really have a mustache, not even a little one, she is perfect! prefect!)